
Since my previous post about piCorePlayer, I have replaced 2 of them that were running on a Raspberry Pi 3A+ with a 3D printed case. Raspberry Pi 3A+ with 5″ touch screen, an Adafruit speaker bonnet and speakers. The 3D printed case can be downloaded from Printables.com

K1 Max

Last November, after receiving lots of orders for my RSA/ID Holder, I decided that I needed a bigger and faster printer. So I bought a K1 Max from Creality. What took 1 1/2 hours on my previous printer could be printed in less than 40 minutes.

New 3D printer

7 months after buying my first 3D printer – an Ender 2 Pro from Creality – I have upgraded to an Ender 3 V2 Neo.

3D printer update

It has now been a few weeks since buying an Ender 2 Pro and I’m loving being able to design things in FreeCAD and then have them printed out. So far I’ve printed a new handle that incorporates a bearing for the top of the Z axis and changed the supplied Bowden tube for some… Continue reading 3D printer update

3D printing

I bought a 3D printer last week – an Ender 2 Pro from Creality. I have started with a small one so that I can get some experience printing with it before upgrading to a larger model.


I have recently replaced my 3 Logitech Squeezeboxes with 3 Raspberry Pis running piCorePlayer. 2 of them are 3A+s and the other is a 3B. Raspberry Pi 3A+ with 7″ touch screen and USB powered Logitech speakers. Raspberry Pi 3A+ with 5″ touch screen, an Adafruit speaker bonnet and speakers. Raspberry Pi 3B with 7″… Continue reading piCorePlayer

Sonisphere Knebworth

This view will always remind me of going to Sonisphere Knebworth. On the way back from getting some shopping in nearby Stevenage, we came across this modified sign.

Categorised as Humour